Today is my birthday. My last one before 30! Egads, when did I get to be this old? Yesterday it seems like I was 17.
Today was pretty much like any other day. Woke up, took a shower, dropped DH off at work, went to work, counted down the minutes till I could go home, got home, checked the answering machine hoping to hear a birthday wish from a family member...nope, none. Did computer stuff, surfed ebay, went and picked up DH, stopped at the store (got a PG test and "Walk the Line"), came home, did some sewing, ate dinner, saw DH off to his bowling game (league), did some more sewing, and here I am.
I was very pleasantly suprised this morning though...
Jenn sent me a GC to DSL!!! That really made me smile. And it was hard to keep it a secret, seeing as though I stealthily check my email from work...I really wanted to tell people about the nice stitchers and what nice people can do! Thanks so much, Jenn for making me smile big this morning.
It is a tradition in my family that when your birthday comes up, Granny calls and sings "Happy Birthday" in her Granster voice to you. I have it down pat, just ask Staci. Usually she doesn't catch me and sings to me via the answering machine. Not today. I think that the whole 16 hours ahead of everyone thing really has people thrown for a loop. But, I still have last year's message saved so I think that I will just go play that, LOL.
No call from my Mom either. :(
So, besides the aforementioned GC from Jenn, DH told me I could go ahead and buy the Elan Gazelle Floor stand from a lady that was willing to sell hers...woo hoo! She shipped it yesterday so it should be here next week. Mom ordered the Bare Minerals starter kit for me from ULTA 3, which should be here next week also. MIL& FIL sent me $40...whee! I think that with my GC and some of my bd money, I am going to buy the Easter Fairy kit from Mirabilia. I will have to wait until next month though. Once we move, get settled and get an address.
Here is my latest on CEF ( I haven't worked on her at all this week! ):

And here is something I just finished up tonight. It is by Brittercup Designs, Britty Puppies. I started it with the intention to give it to a coworker, but changed my mind.

Off to work on a felt project. I have been on a kick at the thrift shop, searching for wool sweaters so that I can felt them and cut them up for pretties...look forward to pictures soon. I promise to update before the end of the weekend!
Well, blogger is being a bugger so I guess you will have to wait until later to see my pictures. Grrr!