Our poor computer was brutally murdered by a power surge on Saturday. Despite our best efforts by providing it with a pricey surge protector specifically for this purpose. The hard drive won't even power up.
We will be offline for a while.
Dude, I might be getting a Dell.
But not for a while.
Peace out.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
This kills me
They actually post the dates, times, location and duration of sobriety checkpoints here on Saipan in the daily newspaper.
Where is the element of surprise for catching these idiots? Or is it that they think that people dumb enough to drink & drive don't read the paper?
If you want to see the stupidity, click here.
Here is something I found on another blog, you should try it, it is fun.

I have said it before and I will say it again, yeah I am a nerd.
Where is the element of surprise for catching these idiots? Or is it that they think that people dumb enough to drink & drive don't read the paper?
If you want to see the stupidity, click here.
Here is something I found on another blog, you should try it, it is fun.
26% scored higher (more nerdy), and
74% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level.
I have said it before and I will say it again, yeah I am a nerd.
Found another Mother!
For my Mother's Tree that I am itching to start. Hi, my name is Missy and I am addicted to starting projects. But this one I really want to get done before the baby is born.
Today, I was writing an email to my Grandma in Dallas about my longing to figure out my great-great-great-great-great-great Grandmother's name. Then I decided to do some research on the internet while writing to Gram. Gosh, I love me some internets. Found out that my next name on the Mother's Tree is:
Rachel Stevens Grippen born in 1778 in New York. If anyone out there in blog land knows of a connection to Rachel, or may know who her mother is, I would be most appreciative to find out. I spent the majority of my morning tracking her down. Seems that women were not as important as men...I had to find her through her husband's name.
So, now we have:
1778 Rachel Stevens Grippen
1803 Aurelia Grippen Thorne
1833 Sara Thorne Hoyt
1857 Maria Hoyt Day
1880 Nell Day Brown
1918 G.B.D. (this is my great gram and I don't want to post full names of my living mothers)
1939 S.D.S (Gram in Dallas)
1957 L.V.E. (Mother)
1977 ME!
So that takes it to 9 names, hopefully 10 in January. You can see what the mother's tree looks like in my sidebar. Really cool. I will be certifiable when done though since I am planning on doing it over one on 32 count. I had some issues when trying to decide how to put Mother's name on it and same with Gram's. Since they have both been married multiple times. I just stuck with their first name, their maiden name and their current last name.
Gram had always said that I could get into DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) if I wanted to and now, seeing a link to that time period, and knowing that we did have family here when the country was just starting out amazes me. Gram says that she can trace it back to Mayflower days, but I haven't seen that yet.
So, it seems that Saomai is really causing problems in China. Read the article here. She is the strongest storm they have had in 50 years.
I feel badly for all of the travelers that are stranded today. And I really feel for the employees that are having to put up with them. It is scary to think about what could have happened and what could potentially still happen if the terrorists are successful again.
I am still feeling the baby move and kick! I can tell it is him/her more now, especially after I drink my chocolate milk while sitting here at the computer in the mornings. The baby really likes chocolate milk! :)
I had a strange dream last night. I was hired as a forum moderator for a pregnancy message board. And it was kinda stressing me out because I thought I had to be online to police them 24/7. Man, those girls could fight. I blame the hormones.
Not much else happening here. Looks like it might be another overcast day, which is perfectly fine with me. I might do some baking later if it stays cool.
Today, I was writing an email to my Grandma in Dallas about my longing to figure out my great-great-great-great-great-great Grandmother's name. Then I decided to do some research on the internet while writing to Gram. Gosh, I love me some internets. Found out that my next name on the Mother's Tree is:
Rachel Stevens Grippen born in 1778 in New York. If anyone out there in blog land knows of a connection to Rachel, or may know who her mother is, I would be most appreciative to find out. I spent the majority of my morning tracking her down. Seems that women were not as important as men...I had to find her through her husband's name.
So, now we have:
1778 Rachel Stevens Grippen
1803 Aurelia Grippen Thorne
1833 Sara Thorne Hoyt
1857 Maria Hoyt Day
1880 Nell Day Brown
1918 G.B.D. (this is my great gram and I don't want to post full names of my living mothers)
1939 S.D.S (Gram in Dallas)
1957 L.V.E. (Mother)
1977 ME!
So that takes it to 9 names, hopefully 10 in January. You can see what the mother's tree looks like in my sidebar. Really cool. I will be certifiable when done though since I am planning on doing it over one on 32 count. I had some issues when trying to decide how to put Mother's name on it and same with Gram's. Since they have both been married multiple times. I just stuck with their first name, their maiden name and their current last name.
Gram had always said that I could get into DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) if I wanted to and now, seeing a link to that time period, and knowing that we did have family here when the country was just starting out amazes me. Gram says that she can trace it back to Mayflower days, but I haven't seen that yet.
So, it seems that Saomai is really causing problems in China. Read the article here. She is the strongest storm they have had in 50 years.
I feel badly for all of the travelers that are stranded today. And I really feel for the employees that are having to put up with them. It is scary to think about what could have happened and what could potentially still happen if the terrorists are successful again.
I am still feeling the baby move and kick! I can tell it is him/her more now, especially after I drink my chocolate milk while sitting here at the computer in the mornings. The baby really likes chocolate milk! :)
I had a strange dream last night. I was hired as a forum moderator for a pregnancy message board. And it was kinda stressing me out because I thought I had to be online to police them 24/7. Man, those girls could fight. I blame the hormones.
Not much else happening here. Looks like it might be another overcast day, which is perfectly fine with me. I might do some baking later if it stays cool.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Let's start with...
Shall we? Sounds good to me! I finished putting in the last few stitches into the SAL piece "B" just a few minutes ago, gave it a rinse and pressed it. That butterfly stitch was a little tricky! Especially trying to figure out how to anchor the threads when starting it. Oh well, 2 down, 2 more to go this month.
Rainbow Gallery Freebie SAL by Erica Michaels
SAL with Jo and Carolyn
32 count cream Belfast linen, 2 over 2
DMC threads
I have been naughty and buying stash this month...*sigh* the month is only half over and I am already on the wagon. September is a new month though! It is a sickness, I tell you!
Yesterday I got some fun stash in the mail!
I got:
*Bent Creek Zippers Kit "Patriotic Santa"
*Prairie Schooler "1987 Santa"
*Prairie Schooler "Christmas Village"
*JBW Sweet Nothings "Grandmothers"
*Homespun Elegance "Noel Lighthouse Ornament"
*4 My Boys "Snow Proud Sampler"
I am so excited to get the PS Santa...this is my first of the yearly series, I am hoping that eventually I will have them all.
I think that I am going to stitch up the Noel Lighthouse ornament today and put it away for my Dad & J for Christmas. Dad is a lighthouse aficionado. He loves them. They just went on vacation to northern WI and took a side trip over towards Duluth to do some lighthouse tours or something. Crazy kids!
I have been slacking with the SBQ lately so here goes:

Last week's SBQ was suggested by Carol and is:
Do you have a favorite needlework tool that you like to work with?
What is it and why do you like using it?
I have to say that besides the JJ petites needles that I adore, the only other things that I have for tools are: Q-Snaps, Gingher scissors, and Gazelle Stand with scroll rods. Since you saw the Gingher's a few posts ago, here is a picture of my Gazelle Stand that I got to buy from another stitcher as DH's birthday present to me this past year. I love it and love the fact that it has the chart holder. I find myself using it to stitch larger pieces that I don't have to turn over as much to change colors. But I do use the chart holder all of the time.
This picture was taken at our old house in Guam. Back when the CEF wasn't a UFO! I should really drag her out again and put some stitches in her, she is so pretty.
Other than that, I don't have anything else that I use. I was thinking about getting a dololly especially with the issues I had with short threads this week. We'll see though.
Today's SBQ was suggested by Ami and is:
For those of you who use hand or over-dyed floss, how do you store it?
I don't really use much over-dyed floss, excluding my new hanks of SSS. For right now, I have them hanging on a metal ring on a peg on the shelf above the computer. I don't know of another way that would work out better for me. Besides, I can look at them any time I want when I am contemplating something while writing. I do need to rinse them though so that they will be ready to use when I am. When I had a bunch of WDW flosses, I kept them in a box in my craft closet. But they are happy in their new home at Kim's : )
On to other stuff....
Can anyone tell me what the heck the phrase "Snakes on a Plane" means? I have recently seen it on a couple of blogs and I didn't understand what the author was trying to say by saying that. I went to youtube.com and watched the idiotic film trailer for the movie "Snakes on a Plane" with Samuel L. Jackson and I honestly think I might be dumber for it. I don't understand the connotation that is being implied when people use it. Here is where I saw it:
Crochet Dude
(Look at his Tuesday August 8 post)
Crazy Aunt Purl
(Look at her August 4 post, it is the question about the post office box: "Q: I have a question...what happened to your p.o. box? I've had this f'n Christmas ornament for you for eight months now! Snakes on a plane, girl! One day I'd like to get it out of my possession! from Kim")
WTF are they trying to get across with this phrase? I feel so left out!
Saipan Life
So, DH and I have made a big decision this week. We have decided to get rid of our cable tv. I know, it is like cutting off a lifeline for some people. But there is a reason for this.
The other night, I noticed that some of the channels (NBC, CBS, ABC) seemed kind of wonky and they had all Guam advertisements on them which is highly unusual. Then came Tuesday night. Anyone that knows me well knows that I love love love Big Brother and Survivor and the like. Well, Tuesday nights are Big Brother nights. So, I got all settled in and sat down to watch it. Guess what wasn't on? Big Brother. Yep, actually on CBS that night, it had on the Wednesday lineup, from the previous week. Then I started thinking about it...you know what?! I couldn't find Jeopardy! for the last couple of nights as well, along with Days of Our Lives at 1 PM...what gives? So, I called a friendly Customer Service Rep down at Marianas Cable Vision yesterday to investigate. I probably sounded like a lunatic, but the lady told me that channels have changed due to something in San Francisco (where they must get the feed from or something) and now we will be getting it from Guam, but it will be a week delayed. WAIT A MINUTE!
I said, "A week delayed...we are already a week behind the States, does this mean that we will now be 2 weeks behind?" To which she replied a very confident "Yep."
So, we will now save ourselves $49.14 per month on basic cable service by going without. It isn't like we watch a ton of it anyway. And I can always find recaps and some episodes online if I get desperate.
It isn't like we have local news stations here that are worth anything...there is one and it sucks...pretty much tells you what you can read in the paper every day. The news that we get is from California and is a week old...the only channel that is live is FOX NEWS, so that's okay. And, unlike back in the States, rabbit ears are worthless here. You have to have cable if you want to get any channels.
Anyone else out there not have cable or a tv? I will get more crafty things done and get more reading done, that's for sure!
A laptop has officially gone on my Christmas Wish List now though. Since we will be saving money and all....
You know what I want?
I really want our freaking Federal Tax Return NOW! We filed back in February in Guam (since we still lived there) and what a mistake that was! DH called them again this past month to see what the hold up is and he was told that they are still working on 2004 tax returns. That sucks. It is funny to me when I think about it...people have filed, got their returns, and spent the money and are possibly looking forward to next year's return already. I am so glad that we don't have to live like that. I had actually forgotten about it until he brought it up again a couple of weeks ago. I hope that we get it back before we leave in 2008. I don't think that Saipan is much better so who knows what we are going to do next year.
We have just "officially" entered into month 5 of the pregnancy! Woo Hoo! This is a break down of how the weeks are calculated into months for anyone that is interested:
DH & I were trying to fall asleep last night and were debating on how far along I tell people that I am. Since not everyone counts it in weeks. I say that I tell people that I am 5 months, but DH says that I tell people that I am 4 months since I am technically done with the first 4 months or something like that. His logic escapes me at times.
Kim~ DH chose Meriel (that is how we finally decided on spelling it) because I wanted an Irish first name. I was hoping for the first and middle names to have the initials M.J. like me, but I left it up to DH. He did come through with an Irish middle name that started with J...Jilleen. That is a little tradition with my mothers.
Granny is M.J.
Mom is L.J.
I am M.J.
Concetta~ So far, the first name that I have for my Mother's tree is from 1803 and I have 8 names including mine. I am hoping to have 9 names for it come January (go team pink!), but we will see. My Grandma in Dallas is doing the Family Tree and the name in 1803 married into the family so it was kind of a dead end I guess. I don't think that she has researched her lineage yet. That would be my Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandma.
I am having some issues with my family back home right now and this has me kind of stressed out when I think about it. I pray every day to try to figure out what steps to take to make things better, if I even can. The problem is that I don't know what the issue is. Make sense? It is very complicated and time consuming but if you see me MIA for a little while on here...it is just because I may be feeling overwhelmed that day. Otherwise my life is fantastic!

Shall we? Sounds good to me! I finished putting in the last few stitches into the SAL piece "B" just a few minutes ago, gave it a rinse and pressed it. That butterfly stitch was a little tricky! Especially trying to figure out how to anchor the threads when starting it. Oh well, 2 down, 2 more to go this month.
Rainbow Gallery Freebie SAL by Erica Michaels
SAL with Jo and Carolyn
32 count cream Belfast linen, 2 over 2
DMC threads
I have been naughty and buying stash this month...*sigh* the month is only half over and I am already on the wagon. September is a new month though! It is a sickness, I tell you!
Yesterday I got some fun stash in the mail!
I got:

*Bent Creek Zippers Kit "Patriotic Santa"
*Prairie Schooler "1987 Santa"
*Prairie Schooler "Christmas Village"
*JBW Sweet Nothings "Grandmothers"
*Homespun Elegance "Noel Lighthouse Ornament"
*4 My Boys "Snow Proud Sampler"
I am so excited to get the PS Santa...this is my first of the yearly series, I am hoping that eventually I will have them all.
I think that I am going to stitch up the Noel Lighthouse ornament today and put it away for my Dad & J for Christmas. Dad is a lighthouse aficionado. He loves them. They just went on vacation to northern WI and took a side trip over towards Duluth to do some lighthouse tours or something. Crazy kids!
I have been slacking with the SBQ lately so here goes:

Last week's SBQ was suggested by Carol and is:
Do you have a favorite needlework tool that you like to work with?
What is it and why do you like using it?
I have to say that besides the JJ petites needles that I adore, the only other things that I have for tools are: Q-Snaps, Gingher scissors, and Gazelle Stand with scroll rods. Since you saw the Gingher's a few posts ago, here is a picture of my Gazelle Stand that I got to buy from another stitcher as DH's birthday present to me this past year. I love it and love the fact that it has the chart holder. I find myself using it to stitch larger pieces that I don't have to turn over as much to change colors. But I do use the chart holder all of the time.

Other than that, I don't have anything else that I use. I was thinking about getting a dololly especially with the issues I had with short threads this week. We'll see though.
Today's SBQ was suggested by Ami and is:
For those of you who use hand or over-dyed floss, how do you store it?
I don't really use much over-dyed floss, excluding my new hanks of SSS. For right now, I have them hanging on a metal ring on a peg on the shelf above the computer. I don't know of another way that would work out better for me. Besides, I can look at them any time I want when I am contemplating something while writing. I do need to rinse them though so that they will be ready to use when I am. When I had a bunch of WDW flosses, I kept them in a box in my craft closet. But they are happy in their new home at Kim's : )
On to other stuff....
Can anyone tell me what the heck the phrase "Snakes on a Plane" means? I have recently seen it on a couple of blogs and I didn't understand what the author was trying to say by saying that. I went to youtube.com and watched the idiotic film trailer for the movie "Snakes on a Plane" with Samuel L. Jackson and I honestly think I might be dumber for it. I don't understand the connotation that is being implied when people use it. Here is where I saw it:
Crochet Dude
(Look at his Tuesday August 8 post)
Crazy Aunt Purl
(Look at her August 4 post, it is the question about the post office box: "Q: I have a question...what happened to your p.o. box? I've had this f'n Christmas ornament for you for eight months now! Snakes on a plane, girl! One day I'd like to get it out of my possession! from Kim")
WTF are they trying to get across with this phrase? I feel so left out!
Saipan Life
So, DH and I have made a big decision this week. We have decided to get rid of our cable tv. I know, it is like cutting off a lifeline for some people. But there is a reason for this.
The other night, I noticed that some of the channels (NBC, CBS, ABC) seemed kind of wonky and they had all Guam advertisements on them which is highly unusual. Then came Tuesday night. Anyone that knows me well knows that I love love love Big Brother and Survivor and the like. Well, Tuesday nights are Big Brother nights. So, I got all settled in and sat down to watch it. Guess what wasn't on? Big Brother. Yep, actually on CBS that night, it had on the Wednesday lineup, from the previous week. Then I started thinking about it...you know what?! I couldn't find Jeopardy! for the last couple of nights as well, along with Days of Our Lives at 1 PM...what gives? So, I called a friendly Customer Service Rep down at Marianas Cable Vision yesterday to investigate. I probably sounded like a lunatic, but the lady told me that channels have changed due to something in San Francisco (where they must get the feed from or something) and now we will be getting it from Guam, but it will be a week delayed. WAIT A MINUTE!
I said, "A week delayed...we are already a week behind the States, does this mean that we will now be 2 weeks behind?" To which she replied a very confident "Yep."
So, we will now save ourselves $49.14 per month on basic cable service by going without. It isn't like we watch a ton of it anyway. And I can always find recaps and some episodes online if I get desperate.
It isn't like we have local news stations here that are worth anything...there is one and it sucks...pretty much tells you what you can read in the paper every day. The news that we get is from California and is a week old...the only channel that is live is FOX NEWS, so that's okay. And, unlike back in the States, rabbit ears are worthless here. You have to have cable if you want to get any channels.
Anyone else out there not have cable or a tv? I will get more crafty things done and get more reading done, that's for sure!
A laptop has officially gone on my Christmas Wish List now though. Since we will be saving money and all....
You know what I want?
I really want our freaking Federal Tax Return NOW! We filed back in February in Guam (since we still lived there) and what a mistake that was! DH called them again this past month to see what the hold up is and he was told that they are still working on 2004 tax returns. That sucks. It is funny to me when I think about it...people have filed, got their returns, and spent the money and are possibly looking forward to next year's return already. I am so glad that we don't have to live like that. I had actually forgotten about it until he brought it up again a couple of weeks ago. I hope that we get it back before we leave in 2008. I don't think that Saipan is much better so who knows what we are going to do next year.
We have just "officially" entered into month 5 of the pregnancy! Woo Hoo! This is a break down of how the weeks are calculated into months for anyone that is interested:

Kim~ DH chose Meriel (that is how we finally decided on spelling it) because I wanted an Irish first name. I was hoping for the first and middle names to have the initials M.J. like me, but I left it up to DH. He did come through with an Irish middle name that started with J...Jilleen. That is a little tradition with my mothers.
Granny is M.J.
Mom is L.J.
I am M.J.
Concetta~ So far, the first name that I have for my Mother's tree is from 1803 and I have 8 names including mine. I am hoping to have 9 names for it come January (go team pink!), but we will see. My Grandma in Dallas is doing the Family Tree and the name in 1803 married into the family so it was kind of a dead end I guess. I don't think that she has researched her lineage yet. That would be my Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandma.
I am having some issues with my family back home right now and this has me kind of stressed out when I think about it. I pray every day to try to figure out what steps to take to make things better, if I even can. The problem is that I don't know what the issue is. Make sense? It is very complicated and time consuming but if you see me MIA for a little while on here...it is just because I may be feeling overwhelmed that day. Otherwise my life is fantastic!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
WOW! I am so blessed!

They sent us:
A box of Nestle Quick...I love this stuff, DH doesn't share my enthusiasm for it therefore making it a non-necessary purchase on grocery day.
A bag of Mrs. Field's white Chocolate Chips...the recipe on the back of the bag is the best cookie recipe ever! I have a bunch of Macadamia Nuts left over, so guess who is going to make cookies this week!?!
A package of newborn pacifiers from the registry.
A package of bottles like what we have on the registry, these will be great for when the Babe is able to hold it's own bottle. I have registered for all glass since I plan on freezing breastmilk in them. I just don't like to freeze in plastic. I had never thought about it holding it's own bottle...gosh a glass bottle and a baby with ceramic tile floors doesn't sound like a good combination, so this was a great present to receive!

And I just can't get over how small they are! Stels reports that there was one size smaller. These are size 0-3 months. But then again, I can't imagine getting something this big out of me! OUCH! Here is one with my "man hand" (as I like to call it) for comparison.

You will notice that Killer Lily was being nosey and had to see what I was up to in the first picture. She is into everything! I think that the pets know that something is going on with me. They all have to be in the same room as me for the most part. The dog usually has to be within eyesight of me, usually about 2 steps behind me in the house. Gets irritating if I stop suddenly.
On to other fun mail:
I got my exchange piece from my Yahoo Group. I belong to a very active group called STO or Stichers Time Out. It is a small group (only 51 members), but somehow we manage to post between 3,000 to 5,000 messages a month.
If anyone is interested in joining, let me know. I will let the mods know. Anyhow...here is a picture of my present I received from the "Christmas in July" exchange:

I got a Pine Mountain pillow and a huge piece of Kiwi Illusions 32ct Belfast Linen, also got the LHN Miniature Winter Game Board freebie. This would be so cute stitched up, framed and using buttons as checkers. Then, you could put a hook on the frame to hang the hand made flannel or other home-y material bag that holds the buttons. Cute cute!
I love this PM pillow. I had wanted to see one in person so I could figure out how they were made and what size they are. Just another way of cleverly finishing something!
And call me crazy, but I am seriously considering starting my "Mother's Tree" using this fabric. It is 27 x 19 inches which isn't big enough to do it 2 over 2, but if I did it 1 over 1...I might just be certifiable then! It is a gorgeous piece of fabric and would look so pretty with the greens of the "Mother's Tree" pattern. Plus, I want to have Mother's Tree done before the baby is born that way in the event that it is a girl (go team pink!), I can put her name on it.
Speaking of a baby girl...so we decided on names a long time ago. Meriel Jilleen or Connor Paul. I told DH that he better come up with a back-up name just in case we have twins (not likely, but you never know since I won't be able to have an ultrasound and we can't peek inside there). Then we got on the topic of how to spell Meriel. It is pronounced like "Muriel". DH said that he spells it "Meryl" which is an accurate spelling for it according to the Irish baby name website and the baby name book that we have. And I would be fine with that except that I don't want people to be lazy or not know and pronounce it like "Meryl" as in Meryl Streep. We plan on calling her Mery/Meri/Mary either way.
I promised in the last post to show my Six Strand Sweets hanks that I have been buying on ebay. Here they are, on top of my new fabric that I got in the exchange:

They are:
Cream Soda x2
Organic Blueberries x 3
Buttermint x2
Butterscotch x1
Sweet Memories x1
Spiced Orange Cider x2
25 yard hanks for $2.50 each! Woo Hoo! I love when she has some for sale. I am hoping that she adds it to her regular line.
I got the Organic Blueberries with the intention of using them to do my "Lord's Prayer" by My Big Toe Designs. And I think that I will use the Cream Soda for the accent on the design. I plan on doing it on white, maybe 32 or 36 count?
But not for a while.
And for all of you sewing people out there, do you like to look at other people's sewing rooms for inspiration? Here is a link to a website that shows a new sewing room every month. Tons of inspiration. I like this month's choice. I signed up for the newsletter so every month, I get a newsletter with the link to the rooms.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Thinking of doing this
I really like the biscornu's (sorry I don't know what the plural would be. biscorni?) that I have been seeing on other blogs. Most recently on Carolyns, whom I think did a fantastic job and like the contrasting stitching on the sides.
I am thinking of ordering this: Biscornu class & kit
It comes with the fabric and your choice of Dinky Dyes color fibers along with a chart.
Hmmm, might have to wait until next month though. I think that I have spent my stitching allotment already this month.
I am thinking of ordering this: Biscornu class & kit
It comes with the fabric and your choice of Dinky Dyes color fibers along with a chart.
Hmmm, might have to wait until next month though. I think that I have spent my stitching allotment already this month.
Bye, bye Saomai!
We had a tropical storm move over us this weekend. As usual, I had myself a little bit more hyped up than necessary. Started out as Tropical Depression 08 W, but has since turned into Typhoon Saomai (from what I can understand). When Nabi passed over us in Guam last year, it was all dark and rainy for at least a day. Here, with Saomai, it was almost like any other day with a little bit bigger wind gusts.
The sadistic part of me is kinda hoping that we get to experience a typhoon while we are here (I'd like to request just a small one please, not a Super Typhoon, thanks!), just to know what they are like firsthand. DH went through a bunch of Hurricanes while we lived in Louisiana...I only went through a couple and they pretty much fizzled out. Not that I am wishing death and destruction on anyone, let me just clear that up now, I just think that the force of nature is an awesome thing. One thing I hated though about Hurricanes in Louisiana was the fact that I had to stay at work for the duration of the storm, once they imposed a curfew. It was a policy at the facility that all nurses are there at all times during Hurricanes. Oh well, DH usually just volunteered to stay at his office while everyone else hauled ass out of town.
Here is a recent photo of Saomai. The little green dots in the middle right are the Marianas chain. I think that we are the 3rd blob from the bottom of that chain. It is hard to tell, plus I don't have all of the locations of the islands memorized. I know that the biggest one at the bottom of the chain is Guam.
Weekend Wrap-Up:
This weekend was pretty uneventful. We went to Aqua on Friday night for happy hour and a bunch of people met us there. (We stayed at Aqua for 30 days when we first arrived while waiting to find a house to move into.) DH ended up being a little too happy with his long island iced teas, but we got home safely, thanks to yours truly. I had some crazy non-alcoholic drinks that had too much grapefruit juice in it and it really made my stomach hurt! Yuck!
Saturday we went and ran errands. We went to Blockbuster and bought some new movies.
Then we went to a couple of different stores. I wanted to get some Thai tea so that I can make Thai iced tea, we finally found some in a little Thai store. DH bought a bunch of produce there because it was so much better looking than what we find in the stores. The rest of Saturday we just spent cooking, watching movies, being domestic.
Sunday DH had to go into work to do some work for the storm. He is Coast Guard after all. :) Like an idiot, I started to do my Monday routine: Strip the bed, change the sheets, change linens in the bathrooms. Then I thought "Hello, stupid, it is only Sunday..." I was so mixed up because he had to go into work so early. Sunday we pretty much hung out here. Watched more movies, DH tried out his new bean pot. We really like "real" baked beans. Not the pork-n-beans kind out of a can. Dad & J sent him a bean pot that they found at an antiques place so he gave it a whirl. Let's just say that he needs to keep looking for recipes. They looked okay, but they tasted kinda funky. He says it is because of the molasses. Part of the problem is that he doesn't want to hardly put sugar in. And for good beans, you have to dump in a ton of sugar.
Yesterday, I stitched up a little something for a friend that has a birthday coming up (you know who you are). Like the dolt that I am, I forgot to take a picture of it. Again. Then I started working on my letter "B" for the SAL.
Thanks for the comments Kim, Concetta and Carolyn! For anyone that is interested, the charts can be found here and we are doing them as a SAL (just started so feel free to jump in if you would like). We are doing 2 letters per month. A & B are "catch-ups" since we are starting August with C & D. I plan on turning mine into a book like she shows on her website once it is all done. They stitch up pretty small. Maybe 3x3? The stitch count is 53 x 53 and I am doing mine on 32ct over 2.
I have been peeking around at other websites and have found some Bent Creek designs that I love love love! Kim just got one of the Snapperland series and I just love it. I think that there is one called "?Hometown?", "Winter", "Spring", and "Summer" so far. I think that they look so cute all stitched up together with the border. This one is "Winter".

Then there is "Thankful Row"
And one that I have GOT to get is "Wedding Row"

Bent Creek is one of my favorite designers. I think that I have more of their charts than any other single designer. I know that I have stitched up more of theirs than anyone elses. Ohh, that reminds me, I ordered some FQ's of candy corn fabric to finish off my "Trick Or Treat" that I did last year into a wall hanging. Ideally, I would like to finish it into a wall hanging with tabs at the top and get a small branch and run it through the top to hang it instead of a dowel or something. This is a picture of it after I had pressed it last year, right before it went into the storage box.
Maybe tomorrow I will post my SSS wins that I have recently received in the mail. I love the hanks that she is offering. Oooh, plus my new thread winder. After seeing one on Jo's blog, I decided that I need one for myself. I ordered it from Mary Kathryn's shop. Very happy.
The sadistic part of me is kinda hoping that we get to experience a typhoon while we are here (I'd like to request just a small one please, not a Super Typhoon, thanks!), just to know what they are like firsthand. DH went through a bunch of Hurricanes while we lived in Louisiana...I only went through a couple and they pretty much fizzled out. Not that I am wishing death and destruction on anyone, let me just clear that up now, I just think that the force of nature is an awesome thing. One thing I hated though about Hurricanes in Louisiana was the fact that I had to stay at work for the duration of the storm, once they imposed a curfew. It was a policy at the facility that all nurses are there at all times during Hurricanes. Oh well, DH usually just volunteered to stay at his office while everyone else hauled ass out of town.
Here is a recent photo of Saomai. The little green dots in the middle right are the Marianas chain. I think that we are the 3rd blob from the bottom of that chain. It is hard to tell, plus I don't have all of the locations of the islands memorized. I know that the biggest one at the bottom of the chain is Guam.

This weekend was pretty uneventful. We went to Aqua on Friday night for happy hour and a bunch of people met us there. (We stayed at Aqua for 30 days when we first arrived while waiting to find a house to move into.) DH ended up being a little too happy with his long island iced teas, but we got home safely, thanks to yours truly. I had some crazy non-alcoholic drinks that had too much grapefruit juice in it and it really made my stomach hurt! Yuck!
Saturday we went and ran errands. We went to Blockbuster and bought some new movies.
- *Match Point (haven't watched it yet)
- *Rumor Has It -cute chick flick, not destined to be put in permanent rotation though
- *Munich-not exactly interesting to me, it was about the kidnappings at the '72 Olympics and things that happened after that
- *The Squid and the Whale - I thought this movie was pretty good. Talk about dysfunctioinal family that is going through everyday life. The little kid cracked me up with his bad mouth, but he also grossed me out several times with his "issue". I highly recommend it. I think it was kind of an indie film and won big at Sundance.
- *16 Blocks (haven't watched it yet, but I do think that DH will be doing this one solo. It has Bruce Willis in it. Enough said.)
Then we went to a couple of different stores. I wanted to get some Thai tea so that I can make Thai iced tea, we finally found some in a little Thai store. DH bought a bunch of produce there because it was so much better looking than what we find in the stores. The rest of Saturday we just spent cooking, watching movies, being domestic.
Sunday DH had to go into work to do some work for the storm. He is Coast Guard after all. :) Like an idiot, I started to do my Monday routine: Strip the bed, change the sheets, change linens in the bathrooms. Then I thought "Hello, stupid, it is only Sunday..." I was so mixed up because he had to go into work so early. Sunday we pretty much hung out here. Watched more movies, DH tried out his new bean pot. We really like "real" baked beans. Not the pork-n-beans kind out of a can. Dad & J sent him a bean pot that they found at an antiques place so he gave it a whirl. Let's just say that he needs to keep looking for recipes. They looked okay, but they tasted kinda funky. He says it is because of the molasses. Part of the problem is that he doesn't want to hardly put sugar in. And for good beans, you have to dump in a ton of sugar.
Yesterday, I stitched up a little something for a friend that has a birthday coming up (you know who you are). Like the dolt that I am, I forgot to take a picture of it. Again. Then I started working on my letter "B" for the SAL.
Thanks for the comments Kim, Concetta and Carolyn! For anyone that is interested, the charts can be found here and we are doing them as a SAL (just started so feel free to jump in if you would like). We are doing 2 letters per month. A & B are "catch-ups" since we are starting August with C & D. I plan on turning mine into a book like she shows on her website once it is all done. They stitch up pretty small. Maybe 3x3? The stitch count is 53 x 53 and I am doing mine on 32ct over 2.
I have been peeking around at other websites and have found some Bent Creek designs that I love love love! Kim just got one of the Snapperland series and I just love it. I think that there is one called "?Hometown?", "Winter", "Spring", and "Summer" so far. I think that they look so cute all stitched up together with the border. This one is "Winter".

Then there is "Thankful Row"

Bent Creek is one of my favorite designers. I think that I have more of their charts than any other single designer. I know that I have stitched up more of theirs than anyone elses. Ohh, that reminds me, I ordered some FQ's of candy corn fabric to finish off my "Trick Or Treat" that I did last year into a wall hanging. Ideally, I would like to finish it into a wall hanging with tabs at the top and get a small branch and run it through the top to hang it instead of a dowel or something. This is a picture of it after I had pressed it last year, right before it went into the storage box.

Maybe tomorrow I will post my SSS wins that I have recently received in the mail. I love the hanks that she is offering. Oooh, plus my new thread winder. After seeing one on Jo's blog, I decided that I need one for myself. I ordered it from Mary Kathryn's shop. Very happy.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Semper Paratus
Happy Birthday, Coast Guard!
Today marks the recognized birthday of the Coast Guard. August 4, 1790. The Coast Guard is one of the oldest organizations of the federal government and, until the Navy Department was established in 1798, they served as the nation's only armed force afloat. Betcha didn't know that!
To learn more about the history of the Coast Guard, click here.
Tonight we are going to a little function to celebrate with DH's co-workers. Guess who is going to be the designated driver? Me. That's okay though, I don't mind.
I finally got off my touchas and took a picture of the "A" for the SAL. Yeah, I am slacking. A & B were supposed to be done before the 1st, but I am going to work on "B" this weekend along with stitching up a little present for a pal.
I also snapped a picture of the finished froggy. I just haven't finished it into the fob yet. It is a Prairie Schooler, out of the Garden Beasties leaflet. I did it over one on 28 count ivory monaco. It is tiny and perfect for a fob, I just haven't been in a "finishing" mood lately. My box of finishes is filling up, waiting to be turned into something.
Here is a new picture of Bella Baby chillin out in a pair of maternity shorts that I won off of ebay. She must like them. I got 2 pairs of shorts for $ 10 including shipping (actually got the shorts for 99 cents a piece, but got ripped on shipping) which isn't a bad deal at all.
Did I mention that I have been feeling the baby move? Yep, since the beginning of last week (around 16 weeks, 4 days). That is one of the things that the doctor talked about last week that really upset me. He asked me if I had felt it yet, and I said, "I think so, I keep feeling this little twinge or bump in the same spot at night when I sit down and also in the morning, especially after I eat breakfast". He said, "No, that isn't the baby...most women describe it as a flutter, it is still a little early." : ( Well, I am convinced it is the baby because it is sooo low on my abdomen, about an inch or 2 above my pubic bone and it is the same feeling every single time, and in the same spot. And believe me, I know what gas feels like! It isn't gas. I feel it more frequently now after I eat. I just ate a bunch of sweet pickles and it is poking me alot.
Today marks the recognized birthday of the Coast Guard. August 4, 1790. The Coast Guard is one of the oldest organizations of the federal government and, until the Navy Department was established in 1798, they served as the nation's only armed force afloat. Betcha didn't know that!
To learn more about the history of the Coast Guard, click here.
Tonight we are going to a little function to celebrate with DH's co-workers. Guess who is going to be the designated driver? Me. That's okay though, I don't mind.
I finally got off my touchas and took a picture of the "A" for the SAL. Yeah, I am slacking. A & B were supposed to be done before the 1st, but I am going to work on "B" this weekend along with stitching up a little present for a pal.
I also snapped a picture of the finished froggy. I just haven't finished it into the fob yet. It is a Prairie Schooler, out of the Garden Beasties leaflet. I did it over one on 28 count ivory monaco. It is tiny and perfect for a fob, I just haven't been in a "finishing" mood lately. My box of finishes is filling up, waiting to be turned into something.
Here is a new picture of Bella Baby chillin out in a pair of maternity shorts that I won off of ebay. She must like them. I got 2 pairs of shorts for $ 10 including shipping (actually got the shorts for 99 cents a piece, but got ripped on shipping) which isn't a bad deal at all.
Did I mention that I have been feeling the baby move? Yep, since the beginning of last week (around 16 weeks, 4 days). That is one of the things that the doctor talked about last week that really upset me. He asked me if I had felt it yet, and I said, "I think so, I keep feeling this little twinge or bump in the same spot at night when I sit down and also in the morning, especially after I eat breakfast". He said, "No, that isn't the baby...most women describe it as a flutter, it is still a little early." : ( Well, I am convinced it is the baby because it is sooo low on my abdomen, about an inch or 2 above my pubic bone and it is the same feeling every single time, and in the same spot. And believe me, I know what gas feels like! It isn't gas. I feel it more frequently now after I eat. I just ate a bunch of sweet pickles and it is poking me alot.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
August Already?
Where has this year gone? Jeepers, seems like yesterday that we were back in Guam on Christmas Day opening presents and eating shrimp.
I have to say Happy Belated Birthday to my cousin, Kelsey. Hard to believe that she is 11 already! (If I am doing my math correctly...I seem to recall Jackie being pg when I graduated)
Also a big birthday shout out to our dog, Lady. No, we don't know her technical birthday, but I decided that we would say her birthday was on August 1 every year since that is the day that we got to bring her home from the pound. I tricked her into thinking she got a treat on her birthday...I always give her heartworm preventative on the 1st of the month so I acted like it was a big deal and told her "not to share with her sisters (the cats)".
I have to say Happy Belated Birthday to my cousin, Kelsey. Hard to believe that she is 11 already! (If I am doing my math correctly...I seem to recall Jackie being pg when I graduated)
Also a big birthday shout out to our dog, Lady. No, we don't know her technical birthday, but I decided that we would say her birthday was on August 1 every year since that is the day that we got to bring her home from the pound. I tricked her into thinking she got a treat on her birthday...I always give her heartworm preventative on the 1st of the month so I acted like it was a big deal and told her "not to share with her sisters (the cats)".
Happy Belated Birthday, Lady!

We are thinking that she is about 5 years old. She is really getting alot of gray hairs on her (just like me!) and on the bottom of her muzzle. She has been a challenge at times, but I am glad that she is part of the family. I talk to her alot and ask her if she likes living with us. For some reason, she doesn't answer me...hmmm.
5 Things About Lady
1. She hops around when it is dinner time, she also marches with her 2 front paws if she is really impatient for you to set the bowl down.
2. She likes to go for car rides but a closed up car = holding your nose because she farts like crazy sometimes.
3. She hates getting a bath. Doesn't matter if it is in the bathroom or outside with the hose.
4. She hates my big exercise ball. She will run from it when I get it out.
5. She has alot of dreams when she sleeps and will bark, twitch and "run". All that while having her tongue sticking slightly out.
There is a little yapper dog that lives in the house that is kinda behind us. Our yard is fenced & walled and we have a gate at the driveway as well as a wrought iron gate in the back yard, for whatever reason. I had decided that the gate in the back was for the yapper to fit through and come into our yard. We have chased it out of the yard a couple of times. Today I walked into the bedroom to open the blinds for the kitties to sit in the window and saw the yapper squatting down to take a dump, not even 10 feet from our bedroom window! My first instinct: To yell at it to get out of the yard. And not so subtly. "Get the f- out of here you nasty little bastard" or "Get out of here you f-ing nasty little bastard." Then I heard the kids in the neighbor's yard playing in the pool get all quiet. Oops. And I am going to be a mother soon. Delightful language.
So, I have really been slacking lately. I finished the stitching of the little froggy the other day. I haven't finished him off into a fob yet. I also finished the letter "A" for the SAL that I am doing with Jo & Carolyn. But I have been too lazy to take a picture so I will do that for the next post.
I was going to think of a list for "August Goals" but I have so many other things on my mind lately that I will be lucky to just get a couple of things accomplished, let alone a list this month. I will try for next month.
Other than that, not much else going on here. Been kinda in a funk lately. The days seem to melt together.
Thanks everyone for the supportive comments on breastfeeding! I think that post got the most comments ever!
5 Things About Lady
1. She hops around when it is dinner time, she also marches with her 2 front paws if she is really impatient for you to set the bowl down.
2. She likes to go for car rides but a closed up car = holding your nose because she farts like crazy sometimes.
3. She hates getting a bath. Doesn't matter if it is in the bathroom or outside with the hose.
4. She hates my big exercise ball. She will run from it when I get it out.
5. She has alot of dreams when she sleeps and will bark, twitch and "run". All that while having her tongue sticking slightly out.
There is a little yapper dog that lives in the house that is kinda behind us. Our yard is fenced & walled and we have a gate at the driveway as well as a wrought iron gate in the back yard, for whatever reason. I had decided that the gate in the back was for the yapper to fit through and come into our yard. We have chased it out of the yard a couple of times. Today I walked into the bedroom to open the blinds for the kitties to sit in the window and saw the yapper squatting down to take a dump, not even 10 feet from our bedroom window! My first instinct: To yell at it to get out of the yard. And not so subtly. "Get the f- out of here you nasty little bastard" or "Get out of here you f-ing nasty little bastard." Then I heard the kids in the neighbor's yard playing in the pool get all quiet. Oops. And I am going to be a mother soon. Delightful language.
So, I have really been slacking lately. I finished the stitching of the little froggy the other day. I haven't finished him off into a fob yet. I also finished the letter "A" for the SAL that I am doing with Jo & Carolyn. But I have been too lazy to take a picture so I will do that for the next post.
I was going to think of a list for "August Goals" but I have so many other things on my mind lately that I will be lucky to just get a couple of things accomplished, let alone a list this month. I will try for next month.
Other than that, not much else going on here. Been kinda in a funk lately. The days seem to melt together.
Thanks everyone for the supportive comments on breastfeeding! I think that post got the most comments ever!
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