Monday, January 28, 2008

Cutting back

Oh my. I just cut through my Google reader feeds. I went from 165 blogs to 79. And that is just looking at the names of the blogs and cutting. Next step is to actually visit the remainders and see if I am keeping those or not.

I am not using blogrolling anymore, I am going to put a post of with links to the blogs I enjoy and then just a link to that post in my sidebar. Maybe I will get that task done this week. Maybe not. So much on my plate.



Chiloe said...

I hope you will come and visit me once in a while ... :-(( I miss reading you on your blog :-(

Anonymous said...

It is a paradox that reading blogs can be such a pleasure and such a chore at the same time. We all tend to be overeaters at the knitblog table.

Anonymous said...

I had a similar cull a year or so ago, but the total has been slowly creeping back up again, and I think I need to be brutal with my blog list once more :)