We used lime, purple, burnt orange, poppy and turquoise. I am now kicking myself that I didn't grab a pack of yellow. I bet the colors would be more vibrant if we weren't using unbleached cotton diapers. I think that I will ask Mom to pick up some more, because we have lots more diapers that are too plain!
And I finally have been stitching! Yes, I actually do stitch. *collective gasp* I know, I know. Instead of yammering on about it, here is a WIP photo.
It's just a little Zippie kit from Bent Creek. "Ladybird" is the English term for Ladybug...hmmm, the things that you learn from cross stitch.
Tonight we are going to go sign a lease agreement on a new house for our last year here. You can see the ocean from the roof! And it is in a more private area...plus the kitchen is newly remodeled and it even has an outdoor kitchen. Yay us!
I love your idea of dyeing your cloth diapers !!! Is it safe for the baby skin? You culd start a business there ;) I have to admit I am lazy and I buy regular diapers for my 2 years old ;)
Have you found your chart?
Great for the new house !!! Show us some pictures when you get it !!!
Sounds good about the house! So where will you move after the year is out?
I love the diapers...they turned out sweet! :)
Sounds good about the house! So where will you move after the year is out?
I love the diapers...they turned out sweet! :)
Cool idea to dye the Conner's diapers. They look so much nicer than plain ol' white. Congrats on signing the lease for the new house!
Very pretty diapers!!! Lucky boy!
Congrats on stitching and your new house. Those diapers look great.
Great idea to dye the diapers! My little stinker is *finally* tolerating cloth diapers, so she's in them except for overnight and when we leave the house. I'm hoping I can eventually "wean" her into wearing them overnight!
Oh Missy, Connor is going to be stylin in those new diapers!
WOW, you have been stitching away! Way to go to find the time. :)
Yellow cloth diapers? Probably an inappropriate color.
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