Question 1:
How do we get to the Old Man by the Sea? Last weekend we went the way that we thought, up past Kingfisher Golf course and at the end of the road it curved right (DH said that the road continued into the people's yard ahead of us, but I don't think so) so we followed the curve and went down a long, rutted, washed out road. We ended up at what we think was Talofofo Beach. The picture below is from that beach (I have tons more but I am irritated with Blogger). Directions to Old Man by the Sea would be very appreciated!

Question 2:
If the bills in Legislation do not pass in regards to providing financial relief to the CNMI govermnment, how much are they likely to raise our energy rates? I was half listening to the news last week and I thought I heard them say that they may raise our power rates to 66 cents per kWh! Can this be true? I realize that we aren't sitting on any oil wells or a mound of coal but if they were to raise it that much, can you imagine what the crime rate will go to, not to mention the cost of groceries (which by the way is insane...seriously...a package of Oscar Mayer sliced Bologna for $6.50 at Joeten)? We figured out that we pay approximately 15 cents per kWh currently which is alot more than the 4 cents per kWh that we paid in Louisiana 1 year ago.
Question 3:
Do the gas prices here ever come down? We arrived on island at the beginning of April. Gas (regular) was $3.04/gal. Here we are at the beginning of June and it is $3.45/gal. I realize that the price of oil is somewhere around $72/barrel but man alive... Good thing this island is small.
Question 4:
Anyone know where I can buy a container of cat treats? Like Pounce or Deli Slices? We look at every store we go to and have gone to the pet store on Middle Road with no luck. Oh, and while we are on the subject of pets...where do they sell Eukanuba food?
Well, I think that is all of my questions for now. We really like living in Saipan even though it costs an arm and a leg. I guess it is a tradeoff for the natural beauty here. That and the everyday sunshine. Anyone who has ever considered coming to Saipan, I would highly recommend it! Hopefully it doesn't end up like Guam in about 20 years.
Off to stitch~
Humm these are answers from a non-Saipan resident.. meant to be in humor!
1. Old Man by the Sea.. umm isnt that near Old Lady by the Lake!?! LOL
2. Gosh, to bad you cant get bologna in a can I would send you some! Gosh, you better get outside and put up one of those windmill, and create your own energy!
3. Ick.. umm and I just paid $2.82 for a gallon of gas. Bikes?!?!
4. A non-cat owner.. is that in the can?!?! If it is.. want me to look around at the store for ya?!?!
Humm vacation to Saipan.. might someday.. when Im rich!
~Kim~ :)
1. You went to Hidden Beach. You passed right by the trail for Old Man by the Sea. It was on your right. If I told you how to get there, I'd have to kill you.
2. Your energy rates will probably double. I'd turn off the A/C. Why are you eating bologna when fresh tuna is $1/lb at the stands on the side of the road?
3. Gas is actually more expensive in Hawaii, so don't expect it to come down any time soon.
4. I thought I saw some kitty treats at Joeten Susupe.
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